ISLAMABAD: A total of 2,159 terrorists have been killed and 1,724 arrested so far by the law enforcement agencies under the National Action Plan (NAP), Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control revealed on Friday.
The ministry presented a written achievement report under NAP in National Assembly, which stated that 332 persons had been executed so far under Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). It added that 322 persons were held and Rs 354.56 million were recovered in efforts to choke terror financing. A total of 148 cases were transferred to Special Trial Courts (STCs). The report stated that 98.3 million SIMs have been blocked to dismantle communication network of terrorists. About 933 URLs and 10 websites of terrorist organisations have also been blocked by Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT).
Budget was also allotted to strengthen and activate NACTA and steps were also taken to establish and strengthen Joint Investigation Directorate (JID). The report stated that 2,337 cases were registered over hate speeches and material, and 2,195 persons were arrested, while 73 shops were sealed. Likewise, 9,164 cases were registered, 9,340 persons arrested and 2,452 pieces of equipment were confiscated for misuse of loudspeakers. It further added that 8,195 persons were included in the Fourth Schedule and movement of 2,052 people was restricted to ensure that proscribed organisations and individuals do not re-emerge.
A Uniform registration and data form were developed by NACTA and ITMP and shared with relevant stakeholders for the registration and regulation of madrassas. As many as 167 madrassas were closed in Sindh, 13 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and two in Punjab. Under NAP, a list of activists and proscribed organisations was shared with MoIB and PEMRA for strict implementation of the ban on glorification of terrorism in media. A committee headed by Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz was constituted for FATA reforms.
About 1,132 hardcore elements were pointed out in Punjab and 649 persons were booked for facilitating hate speeches. The report said that incidents of target killing in Karachi have decreased to 53 percent, murder by 50 percent, terrorism by 80 percent, dacoity 30 percent and extortionism by 56 percent due to Rangers operation. A total of 69,179 criminals were arrested, 890 terrorists, 676 proclaimed offenders, 10,426 absconders, 124 kidnappers, 545 extortionists, 1,834 murderers, and 16,306 weapons were seized during the Karachi operation. The report steps had also been taken for the surrender of farraris in Balochistan and reconciliation process. Likewise, 25 centres were established in the country for the registration of Afghan refugees.
The government revealed on Friday that five unnamed persons have been arrested in Sindh for allegedly financing terrorism. It made the disclosure before Senate, however it failed to explain when the arrests were made and whether the suspects were booked or tried in the courts. In the written reply to the question about the number of persons arrested so far under National Action plan (NAP) on the charge of terror financing, Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan said five persons had been arrested in Sindh, four in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 28 in Gilgit-Baltistan. No arrests had been made on this count in AJK, FATA, Islamabad and Balochistan. He also said that while the cases of those arrested in GB and KP were in the anti-terrorist courts there was no mention of the status of the five terror financing cases of Sindh.
In reply to a supplementary question in this regard by Senator Farhatullah Babar, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab said he was not aware of the current status of the cases. There was no mention of whether Dr Asim Hussain was one of the five persons arrested on the charge of financing terrorism. The minister later agreed to check with the relevant ministry and give a reply to the supplementary question in the next sitting of the House. Speaking on the admissibility of the adjournment motion to discuss the issues of Frontier Constabulary (FC), Senator Farhatullah Babar said FC operated on the borders between the settled areas of KP and tribal areas.
As many as 140 platoons of the force were supporting the army in FATA, frontier regions and KP in the fight against militancy. It had rendered huge sacrifices in the war against militancy and nearly 350 of its troops and officers had been martyred.
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