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Burkina Faso, landlocked country in western Africa. The country occupies an extensive plateau, and its geography is characterized by a savanna that is grassy in the north and gradually gives way to sparse forests in the south.
A former French colony, it gained independence as Upper Volta in 1960; the name Burkina Faso, which means “Land of Incorruptible People,” was adopted in 1984. Since independence it has been ruled primarily by the military and has experienced several coups. A new constitution was promulgated in 1991, and the country’s first multiparty presidential elections were held soon after. The capital, Ouagadougou, is in the centre of the country and lies about 500 miles (800 km) from the Atlantic Ocean.


Burkina Faso [Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]Burkina Faso is bounded by Mali to the north and west, Niger to the northeast, Benin to the southeast, and Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo to the south.

Relief, drainage, and soils

Burkina Faso is situated on an extensive plateau, which is slightly inclined toward the south. The lateritic (red, leached, iron-bearing) layer of rock that covers the underlying crystalline rocks is deeply incised by the country’s three principal rivers—the Black Volta (Mouhoun), the Red Volta (Nazinon), and the White Volta (Nakambé)—all of which converge in Ghana to the south to form the Volta River. The Oti, another tributary of the Volta, rises in southeastern Burkina Faso. Great seasonal variation occurs in the flow of the rivers, and some rivers become dry beds during the dry season. In the southwest there are sandstone plateaus bordered by the Banfora Escarpment, which is about 500 feet (150 metres) high and faces southeast. Much of the soil in the country is infertile.


The climate of Burkina Faso is generally sunny, hot, and dry. Two principal climate zones can be distinguished. The Sahelian zone in the north is semiarid steppe, characterized by three to five months of rainfall, which is often erratic. To the south, in the Sudanic zone, the climate becomes increasingly of the tropical wet-dry type, with a greater variability of temperature and rainfall and greater total rainfall than the north.
Four seasons may be distinguished in Burkina Faso: a dry and cool season from mid-November to mid-February, with temperatures dropping to about 60 °F (16 °C) at night; a hot season from mid-February to June, when maximum temperatures rise into the low 100s F (about 40 °C) in the shade and the harmattan—a hot, dry, dust-laden wind blowing off the Sahara desert—is prevalent; a rainy season, which lasts from June to September; and an intermediate season, which lasts from September until mid-November. Annual rainfall varies from about 40 inches (1,000 mm) in the south to less than 10 inches (250 mm) in the north.

Plant and animal life

The northern part of the country consists of savanna, with prickly shrubs and stunted trees that flourish during the rainy season. In the south, the prickly shrubs give way to scattered forests, which become more dense along the banks of the perennial rivers. The karite (shea tree) and the baobab (hibiscus tree) are endemic in this region.
Animal life includes buffalo, antelope, lions, hippopotamuses, elephants, crocodiles, and monkeys. Bird and insect life is rich and varied, and there are many species of fish in the rivers. Burkina Faso’s national parks include Po in the south-centre of the country, Arly in the southeast, and “W” in the east, straddling the border with Benin and Niger.


Ethnic groups and languages

The major ethnolinguistic group of Burkina Faso is the Mossi. They speak a Niger-Congo language of the Gur branch and have been connected for centuries to the region they inhabit. They have absorbed a number of peoples including the Gurma and the Yarse. The last-mentioned group has Mande origins but is assimilated into the Mossi and shares their language (called Moore). Other Gur-speaking peoples are the Gurunsi, the Senufo, the Bwa, and the Lobi.
Mande languages, which also form a branch of the Niger-Congo family, are spoken by groups such as the Samo, the Marka, the Busansi, and the Dyula. Other groups of Burkina Faso include the Hausa and the Tuareg, whose languages are classified as Afro-Asiatic, and the Fulani, whose language (Fula) is a Niger-Congo language of the Atlantic branch.
Citizens of Burkina Faso, regardless of their ethnic origin, are collectively known as Burkinabé. French is the official language, although it is not widely spoken. Moore, the language of the Mossi, is spoken by a great majority of the population, and Dyula is widely used in commerce.


More than half the population is Muslim. About one-fifth of the Burkinabé are Roman Catholic, and one-sixth follow traditional religions. Most of the remainder are Protestant or nonreligious. The seat of the Roman Catholic archbishopric is in Ouagadougou; and there are several bishoprics throughout the country.

Settlement patterns

The population as a whole is unevenly distributed among the different regions. The eastern and central regions are densely settled and contain about half the total population. In the remaining regions the population is scattered.
About three-fourths of the people are rural and live in villages, which tend to be grouped toward the centre of the country at higher elevations away from the Volta river valleys. For several miles on either side of the Volta rivers, the land is mostly uninhabited because of the prevalence of the deadly tsetse fly, which carries sleeping sickness, and the Simulium fly, which carries onchocerciasis, or river blindness.
Ouagadougou: French embassy building [Credit: Walter Weiss/Ostman Agency]Ouagadougou, the administrative capital and the seat of government, is a modern city where several companies have their headquarters. It is also the residence of the morho naba (“great lord”) of the Mossi and an important regional centre for international aid programs.
Apart from Ouagadougou, the principal towns are Bobo Dioulasso, Koudougou, Banfora, Ouahigouya, Pouytenga, and Kaya. Bobo Dioulasso, in the west, was the economic and business capital of the country when it formed the terminus of the railroad running to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on the coast. Since 1955, however, when the railroad was extended to Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso has lost some of its former importance, although it remains a commercial centre.

Demographic trends

In the early 21st century, yearly population growth averaged about 3 percent; nearly half the population was below age 15. Average life expectancy was just above 50 years—lower than the global average but similar to that of neighbouring countries.


About nine-tenths of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture or livestock raising. Difficult economic conditions, made worse by severe intermittent droughts, have provoked considerable migration from rural to urban areas within Burkina Faso and to neighbouring countries, most notably Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. As many as 1.5 million people, or almost one-third of the country’s labour force, have been abroad at any given time. (In the early 21st century, however, unrest in neighbouring countries, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire, made it difficult for Burkinabés to find employment.) The development of industry in Burkina Faso is hampered by the small size of the market economy and by the absence of a direct outlet to the sea. Beginning in the late 1990s, the government began to privatize some state-owned entities in order to attract foreign investment.


Agricultural production consists of subsistence foodstuffs, with the surplus being sold as cash crops. Surplus cotton, shea nuts, sesame, and sugarcane are exported, while sorghum, millet, corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), and rice are grown for local consumption. Fonio (a crabgrass with seeds that are used as cereal), cassava (manioc), sweet potatoes, and beans are also grown. Livestock raising is one of the principal sources of revenue; animals raised include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, donkeys, horses, camels, chickens, ducks, and guinea fowl.


Minerals, particularly manganese and gold, are the chief sources of potential wealth for the country. There are gold mines at Poura, southwest of Koudougou, and smaller gold deposits near Sebba and Dori-Yalogo in the north exist. Reserves of nickel, bauxite, zinc, lead, and silver are also found in the country. Burkina Faso’s substantial manganese deposits at Tambao in the northeast potentially represent its most important resource and one of the world’s richest sources of this mineral. Exploitation is limited by existing transport inadequacies.


Industry is limited to a number of plants that are mainly in the cities and larger towns. Chief manufactures include foodstuffs, beverages, textiles, shoes, and bicycle parts.


Burkina Faso’s currency is the CFA (Communauté Financière Africaine) franc, which has been officially pegged to the euro. It is issued by the Central Bank of West African States, an agency of the West African Economic and Monetary Union, which consists of eight countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo) that were once French colonies in Africa. Branches of the central bank in Burkina Faso are located in Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso. Among the partially or wholly state-owned commercial banks, the most important is the Banque Internationale du Burkina in Ouagadougou.
Burkina Faso is also a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a body encompassing most states in western Africa, which attempts to integrate and harmonize the economic interests of the region. One of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso relies heavily on international aid and on remittances from migrants to help offset its current account deficit.


Burkina Faso’s main exports in the early 21st century included cotton, gold, livestock, sugar, and fruit. Most of its exports are sent to neighbouring African countries, but some, including cotton and minerals, are exported to China, Singapore, and the countries of the European Union. Chief imports include petroleum, chemical products, machinery, and foodstuffs, which mainly come from surrounding countries as well as from France. There is a deficit in the balance of payments, largely because of the relatively small amounts of exports, which are not of sufficient value to equal the value of imported materials required for promoting further development.


A rail line links Ouagadougou to the port of Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire; it is some 700 miles (1,100 km) long, of which about 320 miles (500 km) run through Burkina Faso. (For several years in the early 2000s, the line was closed because of civil war in Côte d’Ivoire). Running from east to west before crossing the border, the line serves the towns of Koudougou, Bobo Dioulasso, and Banfora.
The capital is also linked by road to the principal administrative centres in the country and to the capitals of neighbouring countries. Burkina Faso’s road networks are poorly developed, with only a small percentage of the network usable year-round. The remainder consists mostly of unpaved rural roads.
International airports are located at Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso. Numerous smaller airstrips are found throughout the country.

Government and society

Constitutional framework

Burkina Faso’s constitution was adopted by referendum in 1991 and has since been amended. It allows for multiparty elections and a parliamentary republic with a president as chief of state and a prime minister, who is appointed by the president, as the head of the government. The president is elected by popular vote for a five-year term and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The legislative branch of the government is represented by the National Assembly, whose members are elected by universal suffrage for five-year terms. In 2014 popular unrest led to the dissolution of the government in October, followed by the establishment of a transitional administration in November.

Local government

Burkina Faso is divided into régions, which in turn are divided into provinces, which are further divided into départements. Each région is administered by a governor, and each province is administered by a high commissioner.

Health and welfare

The state of health of the Burkinabé is generally poor. Most hospitals are in the larger towns, but the government has improved access to primary health care by increasing the number of village clinics. Main causes of death in Burkina Faso include lower respiratory diseases, malaria, and diarrheal diseases. Other diseases in the country include onchocerciasis, sleeping sickness, leprosy, yellow fever, and schistosomiasis. Periodic droughts have contributed to malnutrition and related diseases, especially among young children and pregnant women. Burkina Faso has a lower prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS than do many other African countries, although it is higher than the world average. The government has focused on prevention and treatment of AIDS with some success, and the prevalence rate has decreased since the beginning of the 21st century.


School enrollment is one of the lowest in Africa, even though the government devotes a large portion of the national budget to education. French is the language of instruction in primary and secondary schools. About one-fourth of the population aged 15 and older is literate. The primary institution for higher education is Ouagadougou University (established 1974). Research institutes in Ouagadougou offer degrees in rural engineering and hydrology. There are a polytechnic university and a college for rural development in Bobo Dioulasso. A university was established in Koudougou in 2005. Some Burkinabé seek higher education in France, Senegal, or Côte d’Ivoire.

Cultural life

Folkloric traditions are rich in Burkina Faso, reflecting the country’s ethnic diversity. The Mossi are known for creating antelope masks that reach heights of up to 7 feet (2 metres). Bobo butterfly masks and the wood carvings of the Lobi are also well regarded for their artistry. The biennial Pan-African Film Festival (FESPACO) in Ouagadougou is popular, as is the International Crafts Fair, which celebrates the country’s artisans. The National Museum (1962) in the capital city houses artifacts from the country’s diverse ethnic groups. Information about earlier inhabitants of the area can be gleaned from the ruins of a fortified settlement at Loropéni, located in the southern part of the country. The ruins date back some 1,000 years and were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2009.
Several daily newspapers are published, including the government-sponsored Sidwaya (“Truth”), as well as a number of weeklies.
Burkina Faso has made a major effort to become competitive on the African sports scene. Wrestling is popular in the country, and Burkinabé athletes have competed in the African Nations Traditional Wrestling Championship. The country has its own basketball league and an annual international cycling tour. Football (soccer), however, is by far the country’s passion. Burkina Faso boasts a highly competitive national football league, and the national team has competed in the African Nations Cup tournament.
Upper Volta first sent an Olympic team to the 1972 Munich Games, although the first athletes from Upper Volta to participate in the Olympics were two javelin throwers who competed in the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics as members of the French team. The country’s first participation in the Olympics as Burkina Faso was in the 1988 Seoul Games.


Early history

Axes belonging to a Neolithic culture have been found in the north of Burkina Faso. The Bobo, the Lobi, and the Gurunsi are the earliest known inhabitants of the country. About the 15th century ce, conquering horsemen invaded the region from the south and founded the Gurma and Mossi kingdoms, in the eastern and central areas, respectively. Several Mossi kingdoms developed, the most powerful of which was that of Ouagadougou, located in the centre of the country. Headed by an emperor, the morho naba (“great lord”), the Ouagadougou Mossi state defeated attempted invasions by the Songhai and Fulani empires yet maintained valuable commercial links with major western African trading powers, including the Dyula, the Hausa, and the Asante.

European exploration and colonization

The German explorer Gottlob Adolf Krause traversed the Mossi country in 1886, and the French army officer Louis-Gustave Binger visited the morho naba in 1888. France obtained a protectorate over the Yatenga empire in 1895, and the French officers Paul Voulet and Charles Paul Louis Chanoine (also known as Julien Chanoine) defeated the morho naba Boukari-Koutou (Wobogo) of Mossi in 1896 and then proceeded to overrun the Gurunsi lands. The Gurma accepted a French protectorate in 1897, and in that same year the lands of the Bobo and of the Lobi were annexed by the French (though the Lobi, armed with poisoned arrows, were not effectively subdued until 1903). An Anglo-French convention of 1898 fixed the frontier between France’s new acquisitions and the northern territories of the Gold Coast.
The French divided the country into administrative cercles (“circles”) but maintained the chiefs, including the morho naba, in their traditional seats. The country at first was attached to Upper Senegal–Niger (as that colony was called from 1904 to 1920; now Mali) but was organized as a separate colony, Upper Volta (Haute-Volta), in 1919. In 1932 it was partitioned between Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and French Sudan. In 1947, however, Upper Volta was reestablished to become an overseas territory of the French Union, with a territorial assembly of its own. The assembly in 1957 received the right to elect an executive council of government for the territory, which at the end of 1958 was transformed into an autonomous republic within the French Community. When independence was proclaimed on August 5, 1960, the new constitution provided for an executive president elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term and an elected Legislative Assembly.


Since Burkina Faso became an independent nation, the military has on several occasions intervened during times of crisis. In 1966 the military, led by Lieut. Col. (later Gen.) Sangoulé Lamizana, ousted the elected government of Maurice Yaméogo. Lamizana dominated the country’s politics until November 1980, when a series of strikes launched by workers, teachers, and civil servants led to another coup, this time headed by Col. Saye Zerbo.
Zerbo’s short-lived rule ended in November 1982 when noncommissioned army officers rebelled and installed Maj. Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo as president. The Ouedraogo government soon split into conservative and radical factions, with the radicals seizing power on August 4, 1983. They set up a National Revolutionary Council (CNR), with Capt. Thomas Sankara as head of state.
A year after taking power, Sankara renamed the country Burkina Faso, meaning “Land of Incorruptible People,” and ordered all officials, including himself, to open their bank accounts to public scrutiny. His government was responsible for several concrete achievements: vaccination and housing projects, tree planting to hold back the Sahel, promotion of women’s rights, and curbing of waste in government.
During Sankara’s rule, tensions with Mali over the mineral-rich Agacher Strip erupted in a brief border war in December 1985. The dispute was settled in the International Court of Justice at The Hague a year later, to the satisfaction of both countries.
Initially a coalition of radical groups that included army officers, trade unionists, and members of small opposition groups, the Sankara regime gradually lost most of its popular support as power became concentrated in the hands of a few military officers—the most important of which were Sankara, Capt. Blaise Compaoré, Maj. Jean-Baptiste Boukari Lingani, and Capt. Henri Zongo. Popular support continued to decline, and on October 15, 1987, a military coup overthrew Sankara, who was killed along with several others.
Compaoré took power at the head of a triumvirate that included Zongo and Lingani. However, as time went on, Lingani and Zongo disagreed with Compaoré about economic reform issues, and in 1989 they were accused of plotting to overthrow him. The two were arrested and quickly executed, and Compaoré continued to pursue his political agenda. In 1991 a new constitution was promulgated, and Compaoré was elected president in an election that was boycotted by opposition candidates.
Compaoré, Blaise [Credit: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images]Compaoré was reelected in 1998, 2005, and 2010. His regime, however, was not without opposition or controversy. Unpopular political and economic developments and the suspicious death in 1998 of Norbert Zongo, a prominent journalist known for speaking out against Compaoré’s administration, contributed to periodic episodes of social and political unrest that continued into the 2000s. In October 2003 several people were arrested and accused of planning a coup to oust Compaoré. Meanwhile, economic troubles were exacerbated by the civil war that had begun in neighbouring Côte d’Ivoire in 2002. The conflict disrupted an important source of trade for Burkina Faso as well as the livelihoods of several hundred thousand Burkinabé who had found work there. Compaoré’s administration also faced public discontent over high living costs, which lead to riots in February 2008, weeks of protests, and a general strike in April.
A wave of protests in early 2011 soon came to be seen as the greatest domestic challenge to Compaoré in more than two decades of rule. Beginning in February and continuing in the following months, many demonstrations were held by university students to protest police brutality—in particular, the December death of a student while in police custody. March saw the beginning of unrelated protests by Burkinabé soldiers reportedly upset about the arrests of and, in their opinion, unnecessarily harsh sentencing of some of their comrades. Then, on April 14, thousands of Burkinabé citizens demonstrated in the capital, Ouagadougou, over the rising cost of food and other necessities. Hours later there was a small-scale mutiny in the city by some soldiers protesting unpaid food and housing allowances and salaries.
Compaoré grew alarmed with the growing unrest, which was indicative of the increasing general displeasure with the country’s slow pace of economic progress and development and a lack of confidence in his regime. The military protests were of particular concern, as such demonstrations rarely occurred under Compaoré’s authoritative rule. In response to the growing discontent, he dismissed his government as well as military officials in key positions of leadership. His actions initially did little to appease any of the protesters as the army mutiny spread to other cities, where protesting soldiers were joined by other demonstrators, including the police, students, and other Burkinabés. Payment of some funds owed to the armed forces appeared to stem the immediate threat and halt some of the demonstrations. A few days later, in an apparent effort to reassert some control over the military, Compaoré named himself the new minister of defense. In the following months the prices on some basic foods were reduced, soldiers received the allowances owed to them, and civil servants were given raises—all measures that helped reduce tensions for the time being.
Long-held suspicions that Compaoré would try to stay in power past 2015, when he was due to step down, led to an unprecedented level of violence in 2014. In October plans were announced to present a bill in the National Assembly to amend the constitution in order to remove the two-term limit on the presidency. That would allow Compaoré the opportunity to serve additional terms and, thus, extend his 27-year rule. Burkinabés took to the streets of Ouagadougou and other cities to demonstrate against the proposed bill. On October 30, the day on which lawmakers were due to vote on the controversial amendment, protests turned increasingly violent. Demonstrators set fire to cars and public buildings, including that which housed the National Assembly, and overran the headquarters of the state television station. In response, Compaoré declared a state of emergency, dissolved the government, and promised to hold talks with the opposition, yet protests continued, with many demanding Compaoré’s resignation. Hours later, Gen. Honoré Traoré, the head of the armed forces, reaffirmed that the government had been dissolved, announced that the National Assembly had also been dissolved, and declared that a transitional government would be established. Compaoré resigned on October 31, 2014, and soon afterward Traoré announced that he would assume the duties of head of state.
His assertion was quickly challenged by other members of the armed forces, who named Lieut. Col. Isaac Zida as interim president—a move that garnered widespread domestic and international criticism. Zida was a commander in the presidential guard—the elite military unit formed by Compaoré and known by its French acronym RSP (Régiment de Sécurité Présidentielle). Under pressure, Zida agreed to hand power to a civilian transitional administration within two weeks. A transitional charter was signed on November 16, and the next day former diplomat Michel Kafando was named interim president; he was sworn in on November 18. Zida was named prime minister of the transitional administration, which led to some concern regarding the level of military involvement in the interim government. General elections to form a new government were scheduled for October 11, 2015.
Throughout 2015 several of Compaoré’s former associates were arrested on corruption-related charges. The transitional government also indicted Compaoré and some members of his government on charges of treason in July. The transitional government had passed a law in April that would have prevented banned any individual from standing in the elections if they had supported Compaoré’s controversial efforts in the National Assembly to eliminate term limits from the constitution, but ECOWAS, the regional ruling body, overturned it in July. The transitional administration, however, ignored the ruling and barred potential candidates who had links to Compaoré from running for president.
In September the country’s Reconciliation Commission released a report with several recommendations, including one to dissolve the RSP. Days later, on September 16, members of the RSP detained President Kafando, Prime Minister Zida, and other government officials. The next day they announced that they had dissolved the institutions of the transitional government and that Gen. Gilbert Diendéré—a former longtime aid to Compaoré—was now the head of a new interim regime, the National Council for Democracy (Conseil National pour la Démocratie; CND). The CND cited the barring of Compaoré-linked candidates in the upcoming elections as a divisive issue and promised to hold inclusive elections, although not on the scheduled October 11 date, which it deemed as being too soon. The coup was widely condemned by the international community as well as by Burkinabés, with protests against the coup erupting in Ouagadougou and other cities.
ECOWAS mediators led discussions to end the crisis and on September 20 proposed a deal that included restoring Kafando as interim president, allowing Compaoré-linked individuals to stand in the upcoming elections—now scheduled to be held in November—and granting amnesty to the coup members. Members of the deposed transitional government and the general public, however, voiced their displeasure with the proposal, being particularly incensed by the amnesty clause.
Meanwhile, on September 21 the Burkinabé military announced that they were marching toward Ouagadougou and gave Diendéré and the RSP coup members a deadline of the 22nd by which they were to lay down their arms. Diendéré, while committing to the reinstatement of Kafando per the terms of the ECOWAS proposal, initially defied the ultimatum before coming to an agreement with the army in which the RSP would return to their barracks and the army would withdraw from Ouagadougou. On September 23 Kafando was reinstated as interim president, but it was amid uncertainty regarding what the terms of the final ECOWAS deal were and if they would be accepted by the RSP, the transitional administration, and the Burkinabé public. In the days and weeks after the transitional administration was restored, some of the lingering questions were answered: the RSP briefly resisted disarmament but it was accomplished, the candidates who had supported Compaoré’s efforts in the National Assembly to eliminate term limits from the constitution continued to be barred from the upcoming presidential election, and Diendéré and other coup plotters were charged for their alleged actions during the coup.
Kaboré, Roch Marc Christian [Credit: XinhuaLandov]The postponed presidential and legislative elections were held on November 29, 2015. Fourteen candidates contested the presidential election. Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, who had served as prime minister and president of the National Assembly under Compaoré but broke ties with him in early 2014, was elected with more than 53 percent of the vote. His party, the People’s Movement for Progress (Mouvement du Peuple pour le Progrès; MPP), won the most seats in the National Assembly but did not take an absolute majority.



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