ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said on Saturday the incumbent government has miserably failed to implement National Action Plan (NAP).

Addressing the delegation of the PPP Khyber Pakhtunkwa (KP) chapter in Islamabad, he said that the NAP was aimed at bringing reforms in FATA but no reforms have been introduced in the tribal areas despite tall claims. Bilawal alleged that banned organisations continue to function under other names and the law enacted during the PPP government banning the resurrection of proscribed organisations under different names was totally ignored with the result that extremist militant organisations continued to flourish.

He said under the law, the NACTA Board of Governors headed by the prime minister must meet once in three months, but it had not met for the past one year even once.

He deplored the defence minister’s recent statement that the government will talk to Afghan Taliban for security of TAPI gas pipeline and asked if this still the state policy to outsource strategic security interests and policies to non-state militants.

“It seems we have still not abandoned that policy and are still running with the hare and hunting with the hound and called upon the government to abandon the policy of running with the hare and hunting with the hound in dealing with militants and militant organisations,” he asserted.

“I salute the people of KP for continuing to wage heroic war against militancy despite federal government’s pathetic response to the existential threat facing the country”, he maintained. He expressed his hope that with the help of party’s ideological workers and the democratic people the PPP will regain the ground it lost during the last general elections and the recent local bodies’ polls.

The PPP chairman said he was optimistic about the party bouncing back with vigour and intensity because of the democratic and progressive ethos of the people of Pakistan, which were also the guiding principles of the party.

Bilawal Bhutto said that he will soon visit the southern and northern divisions of the province to meet the rank and file of valiant workers and the people.

Spokesperson Senator Farhatullah Babar said that Saturday was the second day of Bilawal’s meetings with party organisations. On Friday he met the lawyers, youth, labour, minority and the women wings of the provincial party.



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